Paint Box

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Day of Making

These photos record the point I got up to after the morning of making...the colour is slightly muddier than in real life but perspective is right (photos taken from above). The top image shows the paintings the way round that they were intended but I have also shown them the other way round which I feel has quite a different dynamic as the figures lean into each other.


On Saturday I took part in my first MA day of making with C, A and S. I had thought quite carefully about what to make and taking preparatory photos. This is not how I usually work at all as I tend to work slowly on a number of investigations, but the day set up was very complimentary to my exploratory project plan. Throughout the morning, I was more focused and for want of a better word, motivated, to show that I was making actually progress! Although being early, and my mind being filled with Hockney and Freud from the night before this was a really valuable opportunity to virtually work alongside others from the course. If I had had a whole day I would have started other quick paintings based on my stimulus photos to further explore the idea of power through viewpoints.  I would also have liked to 'check in' with the others throughout the day to see more progress. 

Feedback from group 

  • The figures looked sinister.

  • Even though the viewer is looking down at them, the way they look up meet your gaze makes them hold a position of power. 

  • The viewer is challenged by their direct gaze. 

  • There is a sense of cloning - repetition but slight difference

  • Like the Midwich cuckoos

  • Could make more and fill a room with them so you are watched from every angle

  • A sense of being watched

  • Must research Gary Hill - tall ships and Bill Viola - figures in water 


The day of making experience was really positive and I was suprised at the progress I made in a reasonably short period of time. I will definitely try to initiate more opportunities like this outside of the course with opportunities for dialogue and possible collaborative working. From the work I started, I intend to make more 'studies' from the photos, possibly incorporating the images with either the collage or transparent surfaces from the second stage of my exploratory project.

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